About Me

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

In my 20+-year long career in print, online and radio journalism, I covered a wide range of issues, from business, politics and culture, to technology and media, and from transatlantic relations to the war on terror.

Since 1999 I worked as a freelancer for the Associated Press, Haaretz, Transitions Online, Deutsche Welle Radio, and International Relations & Security Network, among many others.

I hold three masters degrees: one in European affairs, one in political sciences, and one in Electrical Engineering, respectively.

When I started journalism, I started big, for I was about to change the world.
I still toil towards that goal, but before going big, I stay small, with the people around me, those that I can actually reach, and with the stories right under my nose, those that I can really talk and write about.

I also try with my community work to protect the young, the elderly and the animals, for they all have very little or no choice to make.